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Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 21 Aug 2015, 18:01
by viking60
Spotify have just changed their privacy policy.
As of now you accept that everything on your phone gets collected including your contacts - and it can be shared with others! :f :berserk2 :berserkf

In other words: Spotify wants you to accept that they can spy on you in every way imaginable.

Local regulations may demand that you ask your friends and contacts if this is OK since you will be sharing info about them too, but Spotify could not care less. That is your problem!

Music streaming market leader Spotify has decided that it wants to know a lot more about you. It wants to be able to access the sensor information on your phone so it can determine whether you’re walking, running or standing still. It wants to know your GPS coordinates, grab photos from your phone and look through your contacts too. And it may share that information with its partners, so a whole load of companies could know exactly where you are and what you’re up to.

So they will be following you 24/7 and tell everybody what you do at least if someone is willing to pay for it.

These terms are shocking and a pure speculation in people not reading them.

Time to throw out spotify - and I do hereby declare: :S Everybody that has me as a contact are not allowed to share those data !

It is time to cancel all your connections with spotify - this is not serious business. :hand:

It can be convincingly argued that it is much better to violate digital rights than being part of a service that violates your human right to privacy.
Digital rights are not among the Human rights - Privacy is! +1

More here and here

Re: Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 22 Aug 2015, 13:17
by R_Head
That is why I have the bare minimum; not even Pandora. That one is a Roku box only deal, because is not going anywhere :lol:

Re: Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 23 Aug 2015, 14:38
by viking60
Where there is a trough ..Pigs will gather.

It is annoying that the smart phones allow this to happen. No technology should allow anyone to steal ALL your data on account of the fine print that nobody reads; but the smartphone does.

This exploitation of people's naivety and lack of knowledge is silently supported by our governments who see the smartphone as the best way to control us all.

That is the sad truth. There may have been some good intentions behind that originally, but those days are gone. Spotify's and the Industries need to protect Digital rights are weighted way higher than the Human rights - by our governments.

Piracy it's a crime ! By that I mean stealing everything those dependent Music junkies have on their phones!

That kind of behaviour should be criminal; instead our governments are setting the example...

Here is the Spotify Privacy Policy
2 Key highlights of what you’re consenting to

By using or interacting with the Service, you are consenting to:

the collection, use, sharing, and processing of information about your location, including any related interactions with the Spotify service and other Spotify users (as described in The information we collect);
the use of cookies and other technologies;
the transfer of your information outside of the country where you live;
the collection, use, sharing, and other processing of your information, including for advertising-related purposes (as described in the rest of this Privacy Policy, so please keep on reading!); and

Re: Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 14:44
by R_Head
Now days, making online purchases is mandatory to give a phone number. I never give my real number. There is no reason, just give the home address. That is plenty info.

Now days seems that is mandatory to have a phone number; to serve you better.

The piracy crap is an excuse to arrest you for anything. Just a technicality. Similar to Al Capone. No crime can be linked to him, so, they used tax evasion. On your case, if they want you, they can arrest you using a ring tone as an excuse. :T

Re: Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 25 Nov 2018, 18:21
by dedanna1029
F#ck Spotify anyway - they have other shady practices.
I once had a subscription (too expensive, $9.99 p/month), and "downloaded" a bunch of music from there. For one, you can only play the music you "downloaded" from Spotify, WITH Spotify (you can not play it with your personal player, for instance), and for another, after you've paid all that money, the music disappears (they remove it) the second you cancel your subscription. So, I gained nothing out of it, and lost a lot when I cancelled, after paying out some $100 all told. A complete rip-off.
Never again.
@kennethhall, you need to look at these things, too.

Re: Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 27 Aug 2019, 03:38
by Annie_Yazbeck
Wow, this is the reason why I don't use Spotify app on my iPhone but use Spotify Music Converter for Windows to download and convert Spotify to MP3 and other iPhone compatible audio files. :lol:
After that I can transfer Spotify files to iTunes and then sync them to iPhone for playback with built-in music player instead of using Spotify app. :greetings
Collect my privacy? No way!

Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 11:07
by Bella Gorden
Sure, Spotify may recommend your favorites according to your information. If you listen to Spotify music on your phone online or often use Spotify on phone directly, it can inevitably that your information may collected by Spotify.

However, you could use Spotify music converter windows to download Spotify music in advance and then move them to your phone. You could play them on other devices instead of Spotify. So, you could reduce the chance that Spotify collects things from your phone.

Re: Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 12 Oct 2019, 18:25
by dedanna1029
However, that doesn't help the majority of us who are not on Windows (most of us here, I mean, use Linux).

Re: Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 24 Dec 2019, 07:21
by Alexi
How do I transfer local files from Spotify to iPhone?

Re: Spotify will collect everything from your phone!

Posted: 31 Dec 2019, 20:16
by dedanna1029
You can't - what you download from Spotify has to be kept with Spotify, and played only in Spotify.

P.S.: F*ck Apple.