Code: Select all
Flash cookies are traditionally used to tell others what flash movies you are watching. And they can be used for bad things too.
I have noticed a tendency among spammers to promote harmless internet flash games. They get a lot of info about what you like to play from those cookies and hopefully nothing more.
Now FireFox has the Better privacy plugin - and that is now obsolete and not compatible with Firefox 10 (Just when you felt safe again ). This will happen from time to time so the best way of dealing with it is to delete the #SharedObjects directory with a cron job.
Code: Select all
EDITOR=nano crontab -e
and add the line
Code: Select all
*/30 * * * * rm -R /home/thomas/.macromedia/Flash_Player/#SharedObjects
This will erase the LSO's every half hour and you will not miss them (maybe with the exception of Skype).
They will be auto-created the moment you start playing a flash game or something again (that places LSO's)