The Artix people are no big fans of Systemd and firmly believe that it represents the dark side of the force.
Artoo has been maintaining an OpenRc version in Manjaro which will be discontinued.
The Artix people found it to hard to maintain a Manjaro OpenRC version so they forked it to get completely away from Systemd.
Why? Does not Systemd represent the standardization that the Linux world has been screaming about for years?
Well...the answer is Yes but there is this other side of the coin.....
Some people suspect that when a code gets Huge and is managed by big corporations and looses transparency then there is a potential for exploiting it.
I wonder why? We all know that the US government or any other government in the free world would not dream of something like that....right?
Anyway these crazy guys decided to make a distro that is systemd free and based on Arch.
I do remember good old rc.conf and how I was in control of my Arch so I kind of like the idea ( me crazy )
The main developer Artoo is clear about one thing; You need Linux experience to go for Artix - this is not for greenhorns.
Fair enough.... and since I do not consider myself a greenhorn I downloaded the iso and decided to install it in a VM.
Since the distro seems to be Qt oriented...I decided to try it with Xfce4...which is not
So I fired up the iso in VB and got a setup interface from the installer - Calamares - that was way out of proportions - but manageable with a lot of scrolling.
Chosing lxqt and keyboard etc. It all worked so I booted in to a nice lxqt DE.
Here I found no "Install here" button so the Artix guys were not kidding...this is not for beginners.
I found the Calamares installer under "System" in the menu and fired it. Here I was prompted for a password and simply tried "artix" which worked.
So finally I can start installing this thing then...
I got a choice to install the base system and Xorg and Lxqt and I chose all of them (Figuring I could install xfce4 later...) and happily got my self a
After a while the installation fails with a python error in Line 54 of Calamares
Caramba! By now I was ready to confiscate Artoos huge collection of Ompa Music but decided to only try to install the base system first....
That went through nicely!
Booting into the system I did remove the Signature security in Pacman to avoid complaints during the installation and setting up keys - it is explained on the Artix site .
Now it was time to install xorg and xfce4 with pacman. no problems there.
Since I wanted to auto-start xfce4 I edited ~/.bashrc and added startxfce4 at the bottom.
Time to enjoy the fruits of my work then...rebooting and got to a CLI login.
I logged in and...
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
I will use it for a while and report later....