Fedora 22, a pack of overhaul?

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Fedora 22, a pack of overhaul?

Postby dedanna1029 » 16 Sep 2015, 11:08

I'm reading the changes that have been implemented in Fedora 22. I have just over the last hour, been debating on installing it; however, there's changes I'm leary of, and am not sure about (this is not to say I'm afraid of change, but rather the type of change here).

First off, Login screen over Wayland, in effect the beginnings of getting rid of X. I've heard that Wayland is not mature enough for actual production machines; there just hasn't been interest or effort put into it, it doesn't appear that it's progressed much (unless I'm getting the wrong impression). I remember when there was first talk of it taking over X (along with another compositor, I can't recall the name now), it didn't seem like there was much interest then (this was some 3-4 years ago I think). I'm wondering if anyone here at the forum has run a distro where Wayland is the main compositor? More on Wayland and Weston here at the Arch wiki. I don't see where Arch has implemented it yet? It appears to be a "if you want to install it" thing with them.

The other thing that is bothering me is the change from Yum to DNF. I know absolutely nothing about DNF. Can anyone enlighten me on it, and as to its reliability please? True, it seems to be a ramped up version of Yum, but I'd like to know anyway.

The good things: kernel 4.1.x (at least that's good for me, *I think*, only an install would say for sure if it would work with such new hardware that I have, in particular, Qualcomm Atheros wireless. XFCE 4.12. Who doesn't love XFCE these days? I know I do. :)
KDE 4.1.3 - I can build my good ol' KDE desktop just for the helluvit.

Other things I see as being good as well, but won't blather on about them here.

I'd love to get some questions answered about it. It's been a very long time since I've run Fedora. I liked it then, as a dual boot with Arch (and would be the thing I'm considering doing again).
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