A good year for Linux!

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A good year for Linux!

Postby dedanna1029 » 11 May 2020, 02:41

I think we all know with the downfall of Windows 10, Linux has been going up and up and up! Unfortunately, I'm thinking the wireless hardware detection isn't as good, however.

However, the market share for Linux has been rising. An article even talks about why! :)
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Re: A good year for Linux!

Postby jghgf544 » 21 Oct 2024, 18:43

One of the key areas where VoIP is expected to make significant strides is through deeper integration with AI. Already, AI-powered VoIP systems are enhancing communication by offering features like smart call routing, automated transcription, and sentiment analysis. In the future, AI could take on an even greater role, particularly in customer service environments. AI-driven VoIP systems could evolve to include virtual agents capable of handling routine inquiries with human-like interactions, using natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to customer needs more accurately. These virtual agents could operate 24/7, significantly reducing the burden on human staff and improving the overall customer experience by providing faster and more efficient service https://onecloudnetworks.com/unified-co ... ness-voip/ .

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