Kernel 2.6.39 is released

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Kernel 2.6.39 is released

Postby viking60 » 26 May 2011, 13:18

It looks like it will be easier to have Linux on laptops with this kernel.
Naturally, the kernel also includes a number of improvements to existing drivers and features. A biggie for many users will be the driver for Intel's GMA500, a graphics device in many netbooks that has been a bit of a problem for Linux users. You'll also find improvements in Nouveau for Nvidia chipsets, and support for AMD's Cayman video cards and chipsets.

Now this is just fine but I am really looking forward to the next kernel 2.6.40 where finaly there will be support for the Nvidia Optimus - support for hybrid graphics. :B
More than one poor Linux guy has bought that shiny laptop with the glossy Nvidia sticker on it and has discovered that he only can use Vesa with the Intel processor.
This is done to save power. For small and puny tasks the laptop uses Intel and when the real heavy stuff comes it switches to Nvidia -only Linux would not do that :liar:
As of 2.6.40 it will - according to the "Talk". That is when we will take the laptop market back! :tux5: (Unless Microsoft is forcing the producers to go for another superduperspecial sollution that only Microsoft can deliver).
Manjaro 64bit on the main box -Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz and nVidia Corporation GT200b [GeForce GTX 275] (rev a1. + Centos on the server - Arch on the laptop.
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Re: Kernel 2.6.39 is released

Postby dedanna1029 » 26 May 2011, 13:36

Yep, and then everything will become laptop-centric, and those with desktops will get the FU.

I'm sorry, I can't get overwhelmingly happy with this. Think about all those that are going to be filing desktop bugs on the kernel, while they get the laptop straight. This is the way with the kernel, and also with larger changes in WMs. "Let's concentrate on this, and until we 'get it', FU to the rest of you."
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Re: Kernel 2.6.39 is released

Postby viking60 » 22 Jun 2011, 10:35

And since the thread started it has become clear that there never will be a Kernel 2.6.40.
It will be called Kernel 3.0.
Linus has spoken +1
Manjaro 64bit on the main box -Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz and nVidia Corporation GT200b [GeForce GTX 275] (rev a1. + Centos on the server - Arch on the laptop.
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Re: Kernel 2.6.39 is released

Postby dedanna1029 » 23 Jun 2011, 01:18

I'd rather be a free person who fears terrorists, than be a "safe" person who fears the government.
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Re: Kernel 2.6.39 is released

Postby viking60 » 23 Jun 2011, 18:48

Linus Torvalds or Tux himself if you like: :tux5:
I decided to just bite the bullet, and call the next version 3.0. It
will get released close enough to the 20-year mark, which is excuse
enough for me, although honestly, the real reason is just that I can
no longe rcomfortably count as high as 40.
Manjaro 64bit on the main box -Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz and nVidia Corporation GT200b [GeForce GTX 275] (rev a1. + Centos on the server - Arch on the laptop.
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