Naturally, the kernel also includes a number of improvements to existing drivers and features. A biggie for many users will be the driver for Intel's GMA500, a graphics device in many netbooks that has been a bit of a problem for Linux users. You'll also find improvements in Nouveau for Nvidia chipsets, and support for AMD's Cayman video cards and chipsets.
Now this is just fine but I am really looking forward to the next kernel 2.6.40 where finaly there will be support for the Nvidia Optimus - support for hybrid graphics.
More than one poor Linux guy has bought that shiny laptop with the glossy Nvidia sticker on it and has discovered that he only can use Vesa with the Intel processor.
This is done to save power. For small and puny tasks the laptop uses Intel and when the real heavy stuff comes it switches to Nvidia -only Linux would not do that
As of 2.6.40 it will - according to the "Talk". That is when we will take the laptop market back! (Unless Microsoft is forcing the producers to go for another superduperspecial sollution that only Microsoft can deliver).